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Friday, May 30, 2014

Be Like a Duck

Actor Michael Caine is quoted as saying, “Be like a duck.  Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”  At our most recent staff meeting, we discussed the analogy of the duck, who appears calm and serene on the surface, but is frantically paddling under the surface of the water.  The goal for our agent support team is to be like that duck, and always appear calm and available to assist our agents, regardless of how busy they are “beneath the surface”. 

To me, it calls to mind often seeing “I’m never too busy for your referrals” in agent email signatures.  While it’s fine to put that phrase on marketing materials, it may not be enough.  Putting something in writing does not make it so.  Just as it is our company policy and our team’s goal to always be available to assist agents, our team members must keep in mind what they are projecting to their customers (our agents).   Take a moment to think about the message you are sending your customers.  Are you returning calls and emails to your customer in a timely manner?  When you are face to face with them, are you present with them in the moment?  Or are you taking other calls, looking through emails on your smart phone, etc?  Trust me, your clients know you are successful, and they know that you have other clients.  It’s when you make them feel as though they are more important than anything else you have going on that you will earn their appreciation, respect, and oh yes, their referrals.  Whether you are a broker, owner, manager, staff member, or agent, as the market heats up this summer, remember to stay calm and keep paddling!
-Jennie Franklin

The US is going mobile...

...and so should you if you haven't already.

According to a recent article by CNN Money,
Americans used smartphone and tablet apps more than PCs to access the Internet last month -- the first time that has ever happened. - NEW YORK (CNN Money)
Yep, that's right, January 2014 marked the first time ever that mobile devices accessed 55% of the total US Internet usage.  Desktops, as expected, are beginning to see themselves pushed aside and used less and less to access the Internet.  This doesn't mean they aren't still an important staple of our everyday lives.  It just means that people have adopted other means of accessing information.
Whether you realize it or not, almost every time you launch an app on your mobile device, be it smart phone, tablet, or even thermostats, you are accessing a small piece of the Internet.
So how does this pertain to you?  It's simple.  You may have a presence on the web in some fashion but are you mobile friendly?  Is your website optimized for mobile usage?  Are you signed up with services that allow users to connect via their mobile devices?  Zillow, Trulia, and so many other services are utilized out and about and offer great mobility for their end user.  As a Realtor ® it is very important for people buying or selling a home to be able to see your product and reach out to you as their agent.

But what about you as the end user?  Aren't you a customer of the Internet also?  Of course you are!  You check your email constantly.  You post to social media and hopefully engage with your customers via the same means.  What about your listings?  Are they up-to-date?  Maybe your clients are running late for an open house and you've got some time to kill.  Wouldn't it be nice if you could do all of this from the comfort of wherever you are, and without that clunky desktop or laptop?  You can!  What's the old Apple saying?  "Theres an app for that."  Lucky for you and real estate, there's just about an app for everything.  If you're ever curious, head on over to the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android) to find out.  You might just surprise yourself at how much easier it is to work away from the office without having to bring the office with you.